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Monday, July 6, 2009

Water Distillers-Many Uses Water Distillation Equipment

Water Distillers

You may have already bought distilled water from time to time at the grocery store to use in your iron or steam cleaning devices. The difference between distilled water and your standard tap water is the distilled water has all of the minerals removed from it.

Not the Best for Drinking

As far as drinking water goes, studies have shown that distilled water is not the best for you. Not only does it not have any minerals in it but research has shown that it may in fact work to extract minerals from the foods that you eat.

No Mineral Deposits

However; water distillation equipment does have many industrial and household uses. For instance, if you put water in your cars radiator and it is a brass radiator, using water distillers will help in preventing deposits from building up in your cars radiator.

Singing in the Rain

Also many people claim that they get better results from distilled water when they wash and rinse their hair with it. The soap gets foamier and the rinse tends to be more complete, resulting in cleaner feeling hair when the entire process is complete.

No Mineral Spots

The same goes for rinsing your car. By rinsing with distilled water, you are virtually assured that there will be no white mineral spots on the car when the job is done. The same goes for any other type of commercial cleaning job.

Industrial uses for Water Distillation Equipment

Industries of all types rely heavily water distillation equipment. One typical example would be in metal plating, when absolute purity of the plating solution is must. Also, there are countless other types of commercial and industrial processes where water is boiled off and untreated water would leave problematic deposits.


water distillers

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Only Water is Clean Water: Using a Distiller to Stay Healthy (water distillers)

water distillers
water distillers

Environmental concerns are part of our society’s daily consciousness. While most of us can’t tangibly recognize melting glaciers, rising sea levels, or holes in our atmosphere, we may be directly affected every time we run the tap. As early as ten years ago we as a society believed that local governments took the health and safety of its citizens seriously, but rarely did they give a second thought to what may be lurking in our water supplies. Now, ever-growing concerns about the presence of contaminates in our drinking water has spurred action.

The Natural Resources Defense Council's study of water systems for 19 U.S. cities found that pollution and deteriorating, out-of-date plumbing sometimes delivers unsafe drinking water.

"Many cities around the country rely on pre-World War I-era water delivery systems and treatment technology. Aging pipes can break, leach contaminants into the water they carry and breed bacteria.”

Contaminates repeatedly found in the cities surveyed were lead, pathogens (germs), by-products of chlorine treatment, arsenic, and radon; a few ways these contaminates reach drinking water are from sewer system overflows after heavy rains, runoff from roads, agricultural and domestic fertilizers, and industrial pollutions leached into ground water.

Most people have switched to drinking bottled water, only to discover that our landfills are beyond capacity, thanks largely to the plastic bottles compounding the problem of pollution. The trend these days is the use of tap mounted and pitcher filtration devices. But the distillation process is becoming increasingly popular due to its efficiency.

How It Works

This method works just like the water cycle taught in elementary earth science. The water is heated to its boiling point until it creates steam by evaporation. The stable temperature keeps the water vaporization in process, meanwhile prohibiting contaminants and sediments from being evaporated. The evaporated water is captured and sent through to another container where it cools and condenses back into its liquid form.

Water distillers is effective in removing inorganic compounds, such as metals (iron and lead), hardness (calcium and magnesium), and other harmful contaminates from the water supply. Microorganisms such as bacteria and some viruses are discarded through the boiling process, which also helps to rid the water of some organic compounds and pesticides

water distillers

Monday, May 18, 2009

How A Water Distiller Works (water distillers)

water distiller
water distillers

Steam distillers are one of the oldest and one of the most effective ways to purify drinking water. Steam distillation utilizes a very simple process that mimics the natural processes that purify the water on the Earth. On earth, this process is called the hydrologic cycle. The hydrologic cycle is a process of events where water moves through the on and through the Earth and atmosphere in its liquid and vapor forms. This process is powered exclusively by the energy of the sun.

The hydrologic cycle begins with the water that exists on the surface of the earth. This includes water in soil, rivers, lakes, streams, oceans and on every other surface you can imagine. Sunlight strikes the water and energizes some of the water molecules enough to turn them from liquid to vapor. This process is often referred to as evaporation. Since the water vapor is warmer than the water it came from, it rises and enters the atmosphere. In order to understand how this process purifies water, it's important to understand that only pure water is light enough to be vaporized. As water turns from liquid to vapor it releases it's impurities. The now pure water rises up higher into the atmosphere and in doing so becomes cooler and cooler. It combines with other vaporized water molecules to become microscopic droplets. Droplets combine to form what we know as clouds. The droplets continue to condense with other droplets and grow in mass until the droplets can no longer be suspended in the air. This is when it rains. It should be noted that rain is very pure when it first forms, but picks up contaminants as is falls through the Earth's atmosphere.

So, in nature it is the process is vaporization and condensation which leads to the formation of pure water. A steam distiller operates in virtually the same way. First, the reservoir of the water distiller is filled with tap water. The water is then heated until it boils. Steam (aka water vapor) then rises out of the boiler and enters a condensation loop. Remember, as with the hydrologic cycle, when water vaporizes it leaves behind all of its contaminants. In the condensation loop there is a spiral of stainless steel that is cooled by air with a fan. As steam contacts the sides of the cooling loop it condenses and trickles down towards the spout.

It's at this point that a steam distiller varies slightly from the natural hydrological process. Some contaminants in water have the same boiling point and condensing properties as the water itself. That means that they are able to travel through the distiller with the water and could end up in the purified water. For this reason, most high quality steam distillers include a carbon filter cup that acts as a final purification stage, before the water is dispensed into the collection cup. The activated carbon filter cup removes any remaining contaminants leaving only pure, clean, healthy water.

When shopping for a steam water distillers look for products that utilize high grade stainless steel in the boiler and condensing coil and of course, look for products that are supported by a manufacturer's warranty.


water distillers

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Water Distillers: Keeping Water Clean for Your Home and Family

water distillers
water distillers

Everybody knows clean water is essential to life. It is responsible for good health and a strong future. Countries around the world, no matter their level of wealth or poverty, have to work relentlessly to provide their citizens with water that is free of contaminants and microorganisms.

It is often discussed in advocacy circles and environmental groups that countries with lower living standards face the most hardships when it comes to clean water. People in these countries have extensive dangers to ward off, including polluted water, water-borne diseases, and large numbers of uneducated people, whose ignorance allows water illness and misappropriation to seep into their culture and homes.

But in the U.S., where the water supply is usually considered clean and potable, citizens face problems of their own, including polluted water, water-borne diseases, and large numbers of people who are, though educated, widely ignorant of the many risks and illnesses presented by a contaminated water supply.

So, the water problems in third world countries are not very different from the water problems in the United States. The main disparity arrives in the form of treatment, or the filtration systems that are used in each place.

While places like Sudan must build sustainable aqueducts and effective filtration systems, US water agencies must stress to the public that though our water supply is monitored, it is not free from harmful pollutants. This seems like a challenge we can overcome. But companies continue to pollute our water by dumping toxins and other waste from their manufacturing processes. U.S. Water News recently ran an article.

WOONSOCKET, R.I. — Two companies that dumped excessive amounts of chemicals into the Blackstone River in 2005 will split a $95,000 fine.

The state Department of Environmental Management fined the private companies, Veolia Water North America and Synagro Woonsocket, which run the city-owned sludge incinerator and adjacent wastewater treatment plant.

The Woonsocket Call reported that the companies discharged phosphorous, ammonia, cyanide and nitrogen at higher levels than allowed.

Some of the pollution violations occurred in October 2005, when the plant was flooded by more rainwater than it could handle.

Yet other problems came with glitches in the handling of new technology. The company says that problem has now been fixed.

Many water sanctions have been issued that will work to keep our water supply clean. This is an important step for water cleanliness among companies. For families concerned about keeping their water supply healthy, water distillers is the best solution.


water distillers